Friday, May 6, 2011

Maiden Voyage

Across the harbor for a root canal  ….

The mast had to be removed and the wiring and pulleys (aka Sheaves) replaced so the ropes (aka Lines) could run smoothly and not bind at critical moments causing great embarrassment while creating grave danger to life and limb.  “Stepping the Mast” was at least a yearly occurrence on the Nor’Sea, as we launched and hauled her out ourselves (‘Fish’ restaurant, next to the Sausalito launching ramp, will now have to look elsewhere for their bi-yearly comedy routine.)  Much to my immense relief, the local boat yard was willing to do the job for Cair Paravel as it required a crane and four hands to steady and maneuver the big straw after all the stainless steel wires that hold the mast up (aka Shrouds) were released.  I did not stay around to observe…… way too anxiety provoking!  In the end, after several days, and being ‘relieved ’ of a significant amount of cash, the mast was re-seated, with new innards.  I suppose, after 23 years or so, one might require some new parts, ........and of course, root canals never come cheap.........